Pre-Removal Risk Assessment (PRRA)
If you are in Canada, but have been denied or have lost your immigration status, and are now in the process of being removed from Canada, you may be invited by the government to apply for a Pre-Removal Risk Assessment (PRRA).
It can be challenging to ensure the government is presented with the best arguments that prove you are at risk if you are removed from Canada. By engaging Fisher Law to assist you through this difficult process, you will be giving you and your family a stronger opportunity to avoid removal from Canada.
PRRAs are used by the government to assess whether you are being removed to a place where you are in danger of persecution or torture, or where there would be a risk to you of cruel or unusual treatment or punishment. Under international and domestic law, Canada is obliged to ensure that you will not be subjected to serious harm on arrival to your country.

PRRAs are separate proceedings from any prior refugee claims processes, and the government will consider new information regarding your situation. This is a unique and valuable opportunity. It is essential that you present any new information with clarity and detail. It must be shown why you and your family should not be removed from Canada at this time and the risks you will face if you are required to leave.
Fisher Law will:
assess your eligibility for a PRRA;
assist you to complete your PRRA application form;
track down and assess all available supporting documentation;
interview any available witnesses;
investigate the current country conditions in the place of return;
ensure that all steps in the process are completed in a timely manner;
present your case effectively; and
assess proceeding with judicial review at Federal Court, including considering stays of removal, if your PRRA application is denied.